Jup, first easy version is available. Nothing more than a normal texteditor yet. Most of the buttons aren´t working yet, but u can load and save a file correctly as it seems to me.
At the moment u cannot create a file from the editor, at least i cant, so u have to create the file first manually, but u can then load it into the editor. I will add this today and publish another build later.
Attention! : It does NOT show u if the saving-process didnt work correctly, so check ur file before closing. AND is NOT my fault, if ur file gets screwed up or something, u use this editor at ur own risk. I cannot guarantee that u can use this without danger for ur files and such. So, if something happens to ur files or ur pc, DO NOT BLAME ME !
Sorry for those very, ver, very clear and maybe rude words, but i do not want to be blamed for something that is not even my fault. So jeah, although i cannot guarantee for the security of ur data and ur pc, u can be pretty sure that the programm works correctly without making any problems neither to ur data nor ur pc.
If u find any bugs, please post a comment here tell me, what happened and under which circumstances it occured, would be very helpfull!!
Download-Link: QuestEditor v 0.1
Greez, Black
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